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15 – 17 February 2019

at The University of Westminster, London

There is a critical need in modern health care for addressing the worldwide epidemic of chronic, lifestyle-related non-communicable diseases and the related burden of chronic stress.

Yoga provides behavioral practices for management and prevention that is complementary to, but not present within the current conventional medical system. As cost-effective, comprehensive mind-body interventions, which can be adapted to various health conditions and stages of life, and which address underlying behavioral disease risk factors, yoga and yoga therapy are increasingly recognised for their unique contribution in health care. Cutting edge evidence from research in molecular biology, psychology and neuroscience reveal an emerging picture attesting to yoga’s clinical efficacy while also revealing underlying mechanisms of action.

This seminal conference will merge the yogic, medical, and political lenses in evaluating the importance of yoga within health care. Our agenda will review the need for wellbeing strategies in national and global healthcare, examine research evidence, and discuss clear pathways for the successful integration of yoga into health services.

In collaboration between



Friday 15th February 2019 (evening only)

Saturday 16th February 2019 (full day)

Sunday 17th February 2019 (full day)


Early bird price until October 31st: £275

Regular price: £325



Duncan Selbie

Duncan Selbie is the founding Chief Executive of Public Health England. Prior to 2013, he was Chief Executive of Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals, the regional teaching hospital for the south east of England. From 2003 to 2007 he was the Director General of Programmes and Performance for the NHS and subsequently its first Director General of Commissioning. Prior to this, he was Chief Executive of South East London Strategic Health Authority and before that Chief Executive of the South West London and St George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. He joined the NHS in January 1980.

Dr Michael Dixon, LVO, OBE, MA, FRCGP, FRCC

Michael Dixon has been a practicing GP in Devon for over thirty five years and is Senior GP Partner at the Culm Valley Integrated Centre for Health. He was Chair of NHS Alliance for eighteen years (1998-2016) supporting and representing primary care and past President and Senior Advisor for NHS Clinical Commissioners (2013-2016) representing Clinical Commissioning Groups. Since 2010, he has been Chair of the Council of the College of Medicine, which is a multiprofessional College supporting and celebrating innovative approaches to health and care that go beyond conventional and biomedical.

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.

Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D. is Director of Research for the Yoga Alliance and the Kundalini Research Institute, and Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School. He has conducted scientific yoga research since 2001 on yoga for insomnia, stress, anxiety disorders, and workplace and school settings and is a practitioner/instructor of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan. He coordinates the annual Symposium on Yoga Research, is editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Yoga Therapy, author of the Harvard ebook Your Brain on Yoga, and chief editor of the medical textbook The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care.

Patricia L. Gerbarg, MD

Patricia L. Gerbarg, MD, assistant clinical professor in psychiatry, New York Medical College, graduate Harvard Medical School and Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, practices Integrative Psychiatry and serves on the APA CAIM task force. She researches mind-body practices for stress, anxiety, PTSD, and mass disasters. She and Dr. Richard P. Brown teach Breath-Body-Mind courses and co-author award-winning books: The Healing Power of the Breath, Non-Drug Treatments for ADHD, How to Use Herbs, Nutrients, and Yoga in Mental Health (with Dr. Phillip Muskin), and Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice (with Dr. Phillip Muskin) American Psychiatric Association Publishing, 2017.

Richard P. Brown, M.D.

Richard P. Brown, MD, associate professor in clinical psychiatry at Columbia University, graduate of Columbia University Medical College and Cornell University Psychiatry Residency and Psychobiology/Psychopharmacology fellowship, lectures internationally and co-authored over 100 scientific articles, chapters and award-winning books. His neurophysiological theory, exploring effects of yoga breathing in treating anxiety, depression, PTSD and stress-related medical conditions, has been validated in clinical trials. A certified teacher of Aikido (4th Dan), yoga, Qigong, and meditation, he provides Breath-Body-Mind programs for healthcare professionals, yoga teachers, mass disaster survivors, refugees, first responders, veterans, school teachers, and patients with psychiatric and medical conditions.

Dr Amit Bhargava

Dr Amit Bhargava is senior GP Partner at Southgate Medical Group in Crawley, his passion and successes are in transformation through partnership working, improving population health and reducing health inequalities. His current work is in helping patients with the greatest vulnerabilities to remain emotionally and physically well using evidence based mind-body techniques. He has been involved in clinical leadership since 1999 that involved local, regional and national roles, he also has had international advisory experience. He was the Clinical Chief Officer of the Crawley Clinical Commissioning Group till end of 2017, he is on the counsel of the College of Medicine and he was very pleased to be in the HSJ list of the top 100 most influential clinicians 2013.