Cracking the Code – How to Bring Yoga into Healthcare
Saturday 26th November 2022 – Catch-Up Service Now Available

Yoga offers a significant therapeutic value for so many health conditions and is increasingly being integrated into healthcare.  In this one-day interactive seminar, international leaders in this field, will: share insights, explain how to access pre-existing pathways, share research that can be expressed to health professionals, and provide important tips for individuals wishing to work at a grassroots or national level.  Participants will also have an opportunity to network and learn from shared experience.  From Sweden you will hear from Goran Bol – founder of MediYoga and founder of IAM yoga. MediYoga has gone furthest at integrating yoga into a national healthcare system. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa from Harvard Medical School will summarise the evidence base for yoga in healthcare. Paul Fox and Heather Mason will share the success of The Yoga In Healthcare Alliance (YIHA) in bringing yoga into the NHS via the social prescribing pathway. Yvonne O’Garrow will share her experiences of running and funding Yoga4Health and doctors and yoga teachers Avi Sharma, Rebekah Lawrence, Chang-Sun Park and clinical psychologist Claire Scanlan will share their experiences. This event has been recorded. If you would like to purchase the links to the recorded sessions, please buy a YIHA Members rate ticket below costing 25 pounds. .


Schedule 10am to 5pm on Zoom

10-10.30am – Yoga in Healthcare: An Overview – Heather Mason

10.30-11.30 – Research evidence on the health benefits of yoga – Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and co-creator of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Healthcare

11.30-11.45 – BREAK

11.45-12.15 – MediYoga with Goran Bol

12.15-1.15 – How we cracked the code in Sweden with Goran Bol

1.15-2.15 – LUNCH

2.15-2.45 – Gentle practice from the YIHA Yoga4Health social prescribing protocol – Heather Mason

2.45-3.20 – Integrating yoga into primary care in the UK – the work of the Yoga In Healthcare Alliance, social prescribing, patient testimonials, and the Westminster University evaluation of Yoga4Health – Paul Fox & Yvonne O’Garro

3.20-3.30 – BREAK

3.30-4.10 – Breakout Rooms: Working with your local GPs hosted by Dr Avi Sharma and Dr Chang-Sun Park; Yoga for NHS Staff Wellbeing hosted by Dr Rebekah Lawrence, Paul Fox and Dr Claire Scanlan; Yoga Research and Evidence hosted by Heather Mason and Sat Bir Singh Khalsa

4.10-4.55pm – Breakout Room findings and Q&A with Heather Mason, Paul Fox, Goran Bol, Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Dr Rebekah Lawrence, Dr Avi Sharma and Dr Claire Scanlan

4.55-5pm – Closing remarks

Saturday 26th November 2022


On Zoom

With interactive breakout rooms and rich resources

This event will bring yoga teachers and serious students of yoga together with leaders in yoga and healthcare


Sat Bir Singh Khalsa Phd. is Associate Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and among the world’s leading yoga researchers. He has published many research papers and is Chief Editor of The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Healthcare.

Heather Mason is the founder The Minded Institute, a leading yoga therapy training organisation, and the founder of the Yoga In Healthcare Alliance. She has pioneered the practical application of yoga in a healthcare setting and promotes yoga at Westminster in her role as the Secretariat for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Yoga in Society.

Paul Fox is the Chief Operations Officer for the Yoga In Healthcare Alliance and co-author with Heather Mason of Yoga on Prescription: The Yoga4Health Social Prescribing Protocol. Paul oversees a community of over 400 yoga teachers and healthcare professionals who have trained with YIHA to deliver the Yoga4Health protocol.

Goran Bol established the MediYoga organisation in Sweden and has gone further and deeper than anyone else in the world in integrating yoga into formal healthcare settings, such as hospitals and clinics.

Yvonne O’Garro is a Yoga4Health teacher, Yogamatters Ambassador and leader in breaking down barriers and making yoga more inclusive and diverse.


Dr Avi Sharma is a GP and yoga teacher based in Ayrshire with a focus on lifestyle medicine. He is a Trustee on the board of the YIHA charity.

Dr Rebekah Lawrence is a recently qualified doctor and yoga teacher in south London with an interest in yoga and inclusion. She is a Trustee on the board of the YIHA charity.

Dr Claire Scanlan is a senior psychologist for staff support at the Evelina Childrens Hospital in London

Dr Chang-Sun Park is a GP in London and Yoga4Health teacher who has used yoga for self-healing and seeks to encourage its integration into healthcare


What you will learn

At this day of presentations and practice you will learn how yoga in the UK and internationally is being integrated into healthcare systems, and how you can get involved. From Sweden you will hear from Goran Bol – whose Mediyoga organisation has gone furthest at integrating yoga into a national healthcare system. Sat Bir Singh Khalsa from Harvard Medical School will summarise the evidence base for yoga in healthcare, and Paul Fox and Heather Mason will share the success of The Yoga In Healthcare Alliance (YIHA) in bringing yoga into the NHS via the social prescribing pathway.

Book your place on Cracking the Code



We are aligned to the British Society of Lifestyle Medicine, sharing a common goal in the promotion of healthier lifestyles for all