The Yoga in Health Care Alliance was commissioned to create a 10-week yoga programme for the West London CCG. The programme is now available throughout the UK to NHS Patients
There is significant research demonstrating that yoga practice can have a significant effect on health, happiness and wellbeing. The Yoga4Health programme was commissioned by the NHS and designed by experts to help patients improve their health and wellbeing in a supportive environment. It is specifically for those who:
- Suffer from stress or anxiety or mild depression
- Need to lose weight
- Need to improve your heart health
- Need to lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes
- Just need help to feel well, healthy and supported
The Yoga4Health programme was evaluated by the University of Westminster and found to be effective across a wide range of measures. Click

Do I need Yoga Experience to
Join the 10 Week Course?
This 10-week course offers gentle yoga and you do not need any prior experience. Beginners and people of any age and ability are welcome. Your expertly trained yoga teacher will adapt and modify every practice so that you can participate fully and work at your own pace in a supportive and non-judgemental atmosphere.
What will the classes involve?
Each of the 10 sessions will last two hours, including:
- Breathing practices
- Simple yoga postures
- Meditation and Mindfulness
- Relaxation
- Discussion at the end